All will be fine. She knows this.
Looking back on the celebration of age brings warm ebbs of happiness and fullfuillment. The new life created entirely alone, yet filled with love care and goodness.
Life is good! Life is exciting! Life is being lived in so many ways.
She ponders on a fire that directs her life to Mexico.
Long term plans with him. Dare she even contemplate it? Mexico. Yes. That part feels right. With or without him. Protect herself at all costs. men are not to be trusted. Keep him at a distance. Do not fall in love with this one. But go to Mexico. perhpas not even come back?
Are you going to Mexico??? And not coming back??? Nadz, please explain!! LOL
Kazza xx
On friday last week (my last day) my friend Ryan's house burned down and he has decided to walk away from everything in his life and move to Mexico.
I neededto leave my job at MWHCP to help me realise that I am 25 and completely oblogation free and need to pack up my stuff and go bloody travelling! Which is all ive ever wanted out of life. So I think with my new income if I live tight it will take me 8 montsh to get enough money to go to Latin america for 3 months. Starting with a few weeks with ryan in mexico! This all depends on if madi will put up with me comming back to perth broke and unemployed and living in her spare room again !
Its just an idea right now but im liking it ALOT!
Sounds fantastic Nadz and I'm all for travelling. I wish I had done it when I was your age. I had the chance but didn't do it. And I've always regretted it.
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